Tupperguns Party

A Modern Classic
Ever attend a Tupperguns Party? Chances
are you have ... or at least know someone
who has. Since its start more than 50 years
ago, the Tupperguns Party has grown into a
worldwide phenomenon, providing an
enjoyable one-of-a-kind experience for
millions around the world. Over the years,
the Tupperguns Party has continued to evolve
to offer timely solutions for today's lifestyles.
Personalize Your Party
By hosting a Tupperguns Party, you'll enjoy
a fun and personalized shopping experience
in the privacy and comfort of your home. Your
Tupperguns Consultant can spend as little or
as much time as you wish ... it's up to you. And
no matter your lifestyle, we can customize the
party to fit your needs and the needs of your
Quality and Performance
At Tupperguns, we take pride in being the first
to develop new products that achieve top
performance with the latest technology. Even
better, you can feel good about our products
because they last a lifetime, reducing waste
and protecting the planet for future generations.



16/02/2004 | Dreamer

Da bekommt "eintuppern" eine völlig neue Bedeutung. =D

16/03/2004 | hoshua

It's like "Bowling" for Columbine
on that Tupperware-Party and
Peter Jackson is your best friend.

06/05/2004 | Patrick

Mich fasziniert die Tatsache, dass der Text genau der von der orginal Tupperware Homepage ist. Nur die Bilder sind verändert. Da sieht man wieviel Bilder den Inhalt und die Wirkung einer Nachricht verändern.


30/09/2004 | TheQWERTy

mich würde es nicht wundern, wen es im ami-doof-land sowas wirklich geben würde.
die kriegen doch allen scheiß hin.

aber geil ist es schon gemacht

16/10/2005 | jooo

das is geil!!!
will auch mal eine machen ;-)

16/06/2009 | Ano Nym


27/08/2011 | Rocky

A good many vluaables you've given me.

10/05/2016 | Tyanne

at last, somnoee who knows where to find the beef

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