
The 50 Years War<br />
Israel and the Arabs 

The 50 Years War
Israel and the Arabs (2000)

Brian Lapping, Norma Percy

Summary:Drawing on meticulous research and exclusive interviews with principals from both sides, THE 50 YEARS WAR presents heads of state, prime ministers, aides, military commanders, terrorists, and power brokers who brought the world to the brink of war and back. (PBS)
* * * * * * * * *   9.0
Seen on:PBS
More information:IMDB
Comment by AS:Having seen the documentary, many questions remain unanswered. Stuffing 50 years into a 300min programme must of course leave out lots of explanations and interpretations. Instead, the history of the state of Israel from 1947 until 1995 is told as far as the foreign policy is concerned. The palestine people do not play a major role. The value of the series is in the armada of ex-ministers, politicians and decision makers commenting on their actions and the views they took in the past. Since all sides have their say, the overall impression is that of a sound and credible piece of documentary.

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