The Sum Of All Cliches

#1 New York Times Bestseller
Dick Bullshitter
The Sum Of All Cliches
"EXCITING ... BRILLIANT ... Gasp ... This story has it all.
DICK BULLSHITter DELIVERS ... Three thumbs up!"
— Steve Disabled, Chattanooga Express
Retired Ex-CIA agent Jack Cock is forced to leave his fishing log in Montana to find out the whereabouts of his headstrong daughter. It is just then that his former boss calls him back to duty to prevent the assassination of the President of the United States of America by evil terrorists, as foreseen in Nostradamus’ prophecies. Soon he is joined by special agent Patricia Toughgirl of the FBI to uncover a CIA conspiracy protecting a mystery that a secret Vatican society has contrived centuries ago. They embark on a dangerous journey that leads them to an alien artefact buried deep inside an Inca pyramid and protected by none other than the knights templar. But what stake has the KGB in all of this? Can they find Cock’s daughter and save the world from the threat of nuclear annihilation?
The air is getting thinner for Jack Cock...
A classic New York Times bestseller!
"I read it in one session — I just couldn't put it down.
JACK COCK is the SUPER HERO of our postmodern Era."
— Todd Blunt, USA Yesterday
"It's got Hollywood written all over it. Great stuff!"
— Susan Spillme, Vanity Air

(A.S., J.U., M.U.)